Leadership in Action – No More Excuses

It’s a familiar scenario in any business: meetings are set, the agenda is clear, and success hinges on punctuality and preparedness. Yet, there’s always that one person racing against the clock, slipping into the conference room with a flurry of...

The Power of Positive Imitation

In the world of business leadership, the pursuit of personal and professional growth is never-ending. Successful leaders constantly seek ways to improve themselves and their organizations. This simple quote provides valuable insight into how leaders can enhance their skills and...

The Final Step…

The last step is where too many stumble: EXECUTION! You’ve planned, prepared, and put everything in writing. Now you’ve got to execute. If you haven’t completed the four steps we talked about over the past few posts, you aren’t yet...

2023 Planning – Step 2

After his great disappointment (the bonus check that ended up being a membership to the Jelly of the Month Club) and Uncle Lewis burning down the Christmas tree, Clark Griswold determined that in spite of it all, he would give...

You Join a Company, but Leave a Boss

“Most of us say we want to work for a [great] company…. Let’s say you score the interview and land the job—congrats. But once you’re there, you’ll see that you don’t actually work for the company; you work for your...

Lead your people…

You can lead your people to higher levels of performance if… They understand the purpose of their work. They feel they are members of an important group. They have a sense of ownership of their work. They have high self-esteem....

It’s time to make a plan…

August in Texas – heat, humidity and hurricanes. Trying desperately to sound happy for your friend who’s heading off to the mountains. Making difficult decisions: buy groceries or have green grass? August also means that we are racing toward the...

The Puppy Paradigm

Ahhhh, puppies…adorable, cuddly little bundles. You’ve been imaging all the joy that sweet little thing will bring into your life. Puppy breath, a playful bouncing ball of energy, innocent curiosity, stumbles and tumbles. And then reality sets in. Accidents in...